Our MBA programme at the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad debuted at #11 in the FT Global MBA Rankings survey 2011. Not only are we ranked #1 in India but we're also ranked #2 in Asia Pacific.
Years of perseverance and hard work by our Alma Mater, our professors, our alumni, employers (and not) and also our competition has helped us get here. With this proud achievement comes the responsibility of sustaining and accelerating the momentum and the attention to quality we have achieved thus far. We and future batches need to earn our keep in the corporate world as well as the past batches have. Our teachers have a lot invested in us. And we shall not let them down.
Thank you to our Alma Mater for its foresight and commitment to the programme.
Thank you to our professors for persevering in pushing us beyond our limits so that we could realize our potential.
Thank you to our alumni and peers for having earned us this respect through their years of fabulous work and hard earned success.
Thank you to employers who believed in the programme all along and trusted our ability to deliver on our promise.
And thanks to our peer schools in competition who inadvertently pushed us to excel 24x7x365. Please keep the pressure on!